
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Raising Money for Q97.9 Cans For A Cure

We are all done for this years Q97.9 Cans For A Cure.  We were able to raise $352.00! Just after 8:30 a.m. on Day 3 of Cans for the Cure, 629,054 cans were collected that will yield $31,453 for the Maine Cancer Foundation and the Cancer Community Center.

These are some of the Trees of Life I was selling to raise money.

We are looking forward to next year!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Today when I was at work, I got a text from my son asking if I wanted to going hiking after work. How could I say no to my 16 year old son, who wants to hanging out with his mother!! I will spend time with him when ever he wants!  Knowing soon he won't want to hang out with his old mother hehe.

We had a great time. The smell of Autumn. Having the time to talk with Joshua and hear what he has to say means the world to me. I'm glad we get these times together.   He did a great job taking pictures today to!

A great way to end a Monday! 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Weekend Projects

Here are some new pendants!
This one is an autumn tree with a copper bird.

A tree by the water on a sunny day!

Night time owl tree of life.

Cherry Blossom branch!

I was also working on furniture today!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Switching It Up!

I have been making round Tree of Life pendents for a while now.  So I'm going to start making rectangle one for something a little different.

I really have to pick up more brown wire for my trees. I love the way it looks.

I also think the bird give it a nice touch.

I have some flowers I'm going to try out on my next set of tree!

Please give me some feed back! I would love to hear what you think of my work, even if it's things you don't like. It's the only way I will get better !