I'm at a loss this holiday season! Just when things are looking up! With all of our ducks in a row, a big ass wave drowns them all. Friday, my husband was let go at his job. He was the bread winning of the two of us. Last year we finally broke down and bought a newer van thinking he was all set at his job of 19 years!! Mine 11 years! Now if he is unable to find something soon we are going to have to make some big changes. Ones I'm just not ready for. We have worked so hard to get where we are today.
This has only been 3 days and I will get over my little pity party. We have our health which I'm thankful for, but no health insurance. We have a home, I pray we can keep!, but no matter what, I will always have my family. Where ever they are, we will call home.
I pray this is one of those things that happen for a reason! Like a better job that pays more and cares for their employees! That would be nice! In 10 years we will look back at this moment and laugh!