
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Home Made Photo Booth

I went on Pinterest to see how to make a homemade photo booth. This is the picture I found and worked off from.
 I found all the items I would need right in my basement!!  I use an empty box ( found at work a while ago with intent of making this project), tissue paper, glue sticks, and a box cutter,
 Cutting the box wasn't to hard. You just have to make sure you don't squash the box while trying to cut the cardboard and not your fingers!!
 I cut the tissue paper to the right size. I used a glue stick to hold the paper in place. Very easy as long as you don't have glue on your fingers while trying to place the paper onto the cardboard. 
 I wanted to have a continuous piece of white paper from the top of the back to the bottom front, but didn't have a piece big enough :(
 I learned that you want to have the lights close to the box for the light to go through the tissue paper.  The light on the right isn't one you want to use unless your cold and want to start a nice little fire in you work space!! So with that said, I will be going out to buy new lights at some point. 
 I will see if this works for me. They do sell kits that break down easy, and store better then a box. Plus you don't have to worry about ripping the tissue paper.  So I also might look into that at some point.

I don't care for how the photo looks yellow. I was hoping for a bright white.
 The close up wasn't to bad.
This is one of the set ups.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Short and Sweet

The story of 2015 has just begun.  I was hoping to start it off on a good foot, but have fallen onto my knees. Only 15 days into a year of possibilities has been hard to take. I have lost two people who brought such life to everyone around them. It has really brought me down to a really low feeling that I don't like. I know they would not want to see anyone at such a loss.

   So I turn the page in the book of 2015 and choose to love the memories,  and carry on their smile through mine! Life should be about making people happy and enjoying life and everything it has to offer. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year

Crazy to think we are starting off another New Year already. 2014 had its good times and bad! December was not one I want to remember. A door closed that would have been nice to keep open (John's job!), but I feel there is a better door to walk through for John, hopefully not into! :) . I have a positive feeling about 2015 for us.

What better way to start off the New Year then donating! My niece Hope and I have been growing our hair outfor months.... heck years for me, to donate.

We both have been waiting for this day for a long time. With my line of work, I could never wear in down. So most of the time its in a bun. 

The past four time I donated my hair, I would sent it to Locks of Love. Well this year I'm sending it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. 


I found out a lot of info about Locks of Love vs Pantene Beautiful Lengths. I found this page that gets right to the point!!


Jess wrote:

I had never heard of the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program, but I was happy to learn that it is an actual partnership between Pantene and the American Cancer Society, the largest non-profit health organization committed to saving lives from every cancer and improving the quality of life for people facing the disease. So far, Pantene has donated 24,000 free real-hair wigs to the American Cancer Society’s wig banks, which distribute wigs to cancer patients across the country.


All the other info she wrote sold me on going to Pantene! 

Hope and I went to Panache Hair Salon this afternoon!

So in my eyes we are starting the year off on the right foot!