
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My Day Job

For my day job I normally work in a workshop that is in an old mill. I work on and repair antique furniture. We moved into that space less then a year ago. This is our first winter there and it's been quite cold. We have put plastic over the window to help keep it warm.

The other part of my job is going to work sites, where we do interior and exterior painting. We also refinish kitchens and stairways. You name it we can do it. Well we went to a job site today where we are sanding and painting the whole inside. We got there and saw the driveway that we were told would be plowed and sanded. It was only plowed. :( We knew the driveway was steep.  The picture below shows the driveway!  If you look close you can see my coworkers walking up. Where they are is not the end of the driveway. It turns right then it's the house. The building you see in the picture is one of the sheds. I knew my van wasn't going to make it back up if I tried going down it. I wasn't sure I could get it to stop before going into the ocean!! Yep working in a house that sits right next to the ocean!! I was super excited about hearing the waves. My favorite spot is the ocean anytime of the year.

So I parked my van waaaaaaayyyyyy up top of the hill. We had to unload the van and walk all the equipment down to the house.  We should have brought a sled!! Before going to the house my boss picked up a heater because the oil truck that was going to deliver oil there, never showed up. Once we got down to the house, we found out it was not shoveled out. There must have been 3 feet of snow from the snowbank from the plow to the front door. There was no snow shovel to be found around. I looked around to see what I could find to dig out a path..... I found a yellow bucket :/

Finally we made it inside! Remember no heat. The part we didn't think through was if there is no heat, there would be no water!! No water means.... can you guess? Ya, no bathroom!! And what did I do on the 40 minute drive there? I drank one big fatass  mug of coffee!! So we had to....... gosh don't know if I want to tell you what we did... :/ ... ugg why not! We put a heavy duty trash bag in the toilet. Hey when you have two girls that have to go, you go! Anywho!

Here are some of the rooms we will be doing. A new master bathroom.

The master bedroom.

Front doorway.

The master bed and bath are the ONLY rooms with sheet rock.  The rest of the house is wood and wood paneling that has to be sanded then painted. Every wall, window trim, and  foot boards! 

 Here are the bedrooms.

A hallway.

The hallway leads to the big living room / dinning area. Yes the ceiling is wood and will be sanded and painted. Oh I guess the floors are wood to, but we are not doing the floors. They are having someone else doing them.

When my boss rented the heater, she told them the size of the biggest room so they would give us a heater that would do the job. Well it didn't warm it up but 5 feet in front of it. The only place we could feel the heat was the kitchen! 
I forgot to take a picture of the kitchen before we took the doors and draws out. Yes we are painting the kitchen cabinets too! 

We take all doors and draws back to the shop to work on and spray them out.

This is a view of the windows.

Did the view and sound of the ocean make it worth it..... nope!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Organizing Beads in Glass Jars

I started working with jewelry November 2010. Since then I have quite the collection of beads and was having a hard time figuring out how I was going to store them. I have beads in plastic boxes with little section so they don't want mix.  Over the years I would stop at yard sales, Goodwill and buy already made necklace, bracelets,  and earrings. People also will give me beads and jewelry they found or didn't want anymore. I would get them, take them apart and use them in my projects. The left over beads I would put into plastic bags. After awhile I had bags and bags full of mixed colored beads.

I went shopping for glass jars to store the glass beads by color. Well, me being a penny pincher I could NOT pay the prices they were asking for these jars and storage racks.

I took matters into my own hands , or should I say mouth! I started looking at the glass jars in my recycling bins. I wanted ones that didn't look like "food jars". We buy these Hannafords Inspiration jars. They were prefect!  The Square jar and gold top with no writing was a winner! The bad part was we don't use the Inspirations that often.  :(

So I looked for the next best jar we buy a lot of! Ding, ding we have a winner.... that would be the salsa jars! I think I must eat,.. two jars a week!! And I wonder why my ass is so big!!

Now the problem with the salsa jars are the green label tops that don't peel off. That was one reason I didn't want to use them. The other jars were super easy to clean and use right away!  I'm all about saving time and money. Or you could just say I'm just freaking lazy!

I wasn't going to paint the lids but having them on the shelf with the nice gold top jars it looked like crap to me and I couldn't take it anymore ( They were only on the shelf about an hour)  So I looked through my cans of spray paints and found a gold can that had the sale price of  $2.49! Not to bad for free jars!!..... oh wait I didn't pay for the can of paint! It was given to!! Win, win!

The golds don't match but it's a heck of a lot better then everyone knowing my addiction with salsa!

In the picture below you can see the green tops. It's like a billboard saying fat ass, right!

I hope you enjoyed my post on a great way to store your beads! Oh now I'm going to have to sort out my button collection!! Anyone in the mood for tacos?

Monday, February 2, 2015

Breast Cancer Awareness Necklace

My weekend started Friday because of a big snow storm here in Maine. So I stayed home from work. I took that opportunity to work on some pendants.  It all started with this Breast Cancer Awareness one. I was asked to do 4 necklace, and earring that would go with the set.  I posted it on my business Facebook page then on a few group pages just to show what I was working on. Next think I know I'm getting more orders for it.

I then posted a pick of the set all done. Then I got even more orders! 

The cool part is I'm taking part of the sales and adding to our fund raiser for Cans For A Cure with Q97.9 That we do every year!!

I usually start selling a Breast Cancer Necklace in September but now I will do it all year! The picture below are the ones I sold last year.

Oh ya I forgot to say I took Monday off to because of another snow storm! Tomorrow I have to go back to my day job :(

I hope your weekend was as good as mine!