
Monday, September 29, 2014

Corner Cupboard

Here is the Corner Cupboard all finished. 

I really enjoyed doing this one. Its been awhile since I worked with paint and wax. 

I'm so glad my wonderful husband found this at a yard sale!!

This is where it began. 

Hope everyone had a great Monday!  Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Crazy Busy Weekend

Saturday morning started out with a Homecoming Parade.  My nephew Nathan was  in it with his youth football team. It was a great turn out! 

Each high school class worked on their class floats.

You can't have football with cheerleaders! 

The parade ends at the football field and started a little after. The Home team won!! After the game it was time to get ready for the Homecoming Dance. Josh made my eyes water when I saw him. He is turning out to be a well rounded young man! I'm so proud of him and how far he has come.

Joshua and his date Katie. I think they make a very cute couple, but they just went as friends.

Sunday it was a beautiful day but I will have to say...... I never went out. I worked all day in the basement working on long over do projects.  Here is a sneak peek at whats to come!

Black shelf needed to be scuffed and waxed.

Here is a corner cupboard that my loving husband picked up at a yard sale for only $5.00.  Can't wait for you to see how it comes out!

I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Would love to hear how yours was in my comments!!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

This morning I was getting worried because not many people were getting a hold of me about donations.  By noon I was getting messages for can drop offs and people wanting to buy necklaces.
We have our first total...... $117.00!!  It's crazy how many people are effected by Breast Cancer!   Everyone that has bought my Breast Cancer Tree Of Life necklaces knows someone who has had cancer,  fighting it or them themselves have it. It's hard sometimes because you hear the stories of passed loved ones, and what they meant to everyone.  You hear the stories of how they or their loved one are fighting the battle. The best stories are the ones who are now cancer free! That is why we raise the money for the Cancer Foundation!  We need help fight this battle and win! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day Job

I wanted to share a little bit of what I do at my day job, Morin's Fine Furniture.  I have worked there over 11 years.  We have moved two times and have lost two great men ( more like family) that meant a lot to the company,. Who now watch over us from above. I have had my up and down there but wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

Over all I have been working with furniture for 16 years. I just can't seem to get enough of it. I love working with my hands.

These chairs were sanded down then painted white by Dana who works with me. I had to cane them.

6 chairs came in today to be glued. I was able to knock 3 of the apart and glue them until I ran out of clamps. The other 3 will be done tomorrow. 

I removed the old caning from the back of the back of the chair.

I replace it with new caning!

2 speakers came in to be refinished.  They were handmade by the woman's brother who had passed away.  They have a lot of memories for her.

I have been doing a lot of gluing lately. 

A little stool really needed to be glued!

I hoping to keep showing you projects as I go. These are kind of the plan Janes. I can't wait for some of the beautiful pieces to come through! 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Annual Family Fundraiser

 I have had one busy day! On the weekdays I get up at 5:00am to wake up my husband...if I don't he might fall back to sleep. It has happened before. I can usually fall back to sleep until 6:00am. This morning I had to much racing through my mind to fall back asleep so I got up at 5:00, I'm not a morning person. Anyway,  I woke my son up at 6:00, feed the pets ( dog, cat, & fish) made my smoothie & coffee for work, drove my son to school, then headed to work. 8 hours of running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Just getting furniture out of the shop that is done and new items coming in.

I picked up my son on my way home from work. I finally broke down and vacuumed my van. I'm telling you, having a van with black interior, along with having a job where I do a lot of sanding of furniture and on top of that a tan dog........gross.

Now the best part of today was my family coming together and starting our annual raising money for Q97.9 Cans For A Cure.  It's for Breast Cancer Awareness.  Thismwill be our 9th year doing it. We collect can, bottles, cash, checks, and I hand make Tree of Life Necklaces.  Last year we raised $373.00!!  You can follow along on my Facebook page at:  


Sunday, September 21, 2014


Here it is 10:53pm and I really should be getting ready for bed, but yet I sit here trying to start a new blog because my tablet and computer didn't work together and something about codes!?!

No idea so I thought I would start off fresh and new. Now the problem with that is I don't remember how to set all the cool stuff like my old blog. I guess I will have to ask my 16 teen year old to help his poor mother out!

I'm hoping to be sharing the work I do, the fun I have, and all the awesome people in my life. I guess a little bit of everything.

Wish me luck on my new adventure of blogging! Have A Good Night!!