I have had one busy day! On the weekdays I get up at 5:00am to wake up my husband...if I don't he might fall back to sleep. It has happened before. I can usually fall back to sleep until 6:00am. This morning I had to much racing through my mind to fall back asleep so I got up at 5:00, I'm not a morning person. Anyway, I woke my son up at 6:00, feed the pets ( dog, cat, & fish) made my smoothie & coffee for work, drove my son to school, then headed to work. 8 hours of running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Just getting furniture out of the shop that is done and new items coming in.
I picked up my son on my way home from work. I finally broke down and vacuumed my van. I'm telling you, having a van with black interior, along with having a job where I do a lot of sanding of furniture and on top of that a tan dog........gross.
Now the best part of today was my family coming together and starting our annual raising money for Q97.9 Cans For A Cure. It's for Breast Cancer Awareness. Thismwill be our 9th year doing it. We collect can, bottles, cash, checks, and I hand make Tree of Life Necklaces. Last year we raised $373.00!! You can follow along on my Facebook page at:
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