
Saturday, August 1, 2015

I'm On A Roll

I have been on a roll making Tree of Life Suncatchers.  I'm trying to get ready for the Grand Opening of The Willows August 15th. So here are some of them!

I am now going to be also selling antique brooches too!

My husband and I are now off on a hunt for a better display case for my jewelry and suncatchers! Fingers crossed!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Crazy Days

Days have been crazy and hot! This past weekend I wanted to try the new products I received from www.generalfinishes.com but life got in the way and weather didn't help. I hope to get to it soon!

Meanwhile I have been working on some customers projects and I'm almost done with the small table with 6 legs. Should be done this week.... fingers crossed.

 I have been finishing up the last bunch of dragonflies. They need to be waxed then put together with some fun hardware added.
 The other day at work our friend Paul stopped buy and I talked to him about finding me a better display case for my jewelry.  Can't wait to see what he has to show me.

This was a short and sweet post; Sorry!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Finishing Products

I was given some finishing products from someone who knew I used Briwax products. There were some I have never tried. I use the hard wax from Briwax and love it.  The colors I like to use are Golden Oak, Dark, and Light. They go on great, and easy to use.

I'm looking forward to trying these others.

I have already tried the clear polish and LOVE it. It goes on so smooth.

I had picked up this can of Minwax Wax to see if I like it last week. 

I will post as soon as I try them and let you know what I think! 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Button Cubbies

Here is my new Button Cubbies.  I'm sure I'm not going to fill it all with buttons. There will be beads and other crafty goodies.

 This is what I started with. I found it on a swap and sell sight in my area for $5.00!!!

I also picked this up for $5.00!!

I didn't even open it until I got home and that's when I saw all the dividers; score!! It's already filled with beads and made pendents.

Ok, back to the Button Cubbies. I used old Crystal Light containers.

I use a small tip nail to poke holes in the lids. I used some of my leftover jewelry wire to put through the holes to hold the buttons on.

What ever button is on the lid is the color of the buttons in the container.

I need to get more crystal light container to fill the rest of the holes.

I'm always rearranging my workspace!  I must do it six times a year it seems. I'm always finding something new and have to rearrange everything! Over the years my space has become more manageable.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Up-cycled Angel

Up-cycled Angel 

 I pick through the wood that I cut up from old pallets.

I bought two saloon style doors at a yard sale. I use two runners from an old rocker.

 I painted the rocker bottoms red, scuffed and used light brown Bri-Wax for the Angels arms. I painted the door white, scuffed and waxed with Light Brown Bri-Wax I use the old pallet for the wings. I lightly sanded the wings and head with Bri-wax Cream.

I used old chair upholstery tacks around the angel's wings. Gracie seems to like the Angel!
I plan on adding a hook in between her hands so she can hold flowers or a Welcome sign!

Thursday, July 9, 2015


This is a fun project!  Making dragonflies from broken chairs and picture frame.

 I was lucky to find a bunch of pictures and mirrors that were being thrown out in the trash!
 I saved all the good frames for other projects.
 the rest of the frames that were broken or rotted I took apart and saved all the good pieces.
 My husband found an old rocker at the dump, so I knocked it apart and saved the pieces for dragonflies.
 Now it's time to pick and choose the pieces that will be made into the dragonfly.
 I tape off the end where I don't want Paint.
 I lay it out to see if it will look right.
 I add paint to the ends of the wings and body. When the paint was dry I rubbed on a clear cream wax. I found other odds and ends for the antennas and eyes to add a little bling.
 You can do the dragonflies in so many different ways and colors.

Natural Buffet Makeover

This is a buffet I refinished for a customer.  I forgot to take a before picture. The top had a crack down the middle, and the door wasn't attached to the body. The shelf in behind the door needed to be glued and nailed in too. 
 The top wasn't in to bad of shape but the finish was peeling so I took it to my day job and stripped it with a commercial grade stripper.
 After the top was stripped its ready to be sanded.
 I brought the top home to my shop to sand.
  I then used naptha to clean the finish that's already on it to get the dirt and grime out. You don't want to rub to hard and take the finish off. We call that a clean and coat.

 I lightly sanded the body and draws inside and out. Once everything is dry and cleaned off a coat of sealer goes on all wood that had no finish.

 The end product is an slightly used antique buffet. You don't want to sand out all of its history.  
#buffet #refinished  #furniture