Here is my new Button Cubbies. I'm sure I'm not going to fill it all with buttons. There will be beads and other crafty goodies.
This is what I started with. I found it on a swap and sell sight in my area for $5.00!!!
I also picked this up for $5.00!!
I didn't even open it until I got home and that's when I saw all the dividers; score!! It's already filled with beads and made pendents.
Ok, back to the Button Cubbies. I used old Crystal Light containers.
I use a small tip nail to poke holes in the lids. I used some of my leftover jewelry wire to put through the holes to hold the buttons on.
What ever button is on the lid is the color of the buttons in the container.
I need to get more crystal light container to fill the rest of the holes.
I'm always rearranging my workspace! I must do it six times a year it seems. I'm always finding something new and have to rearrange everything! Over the years my space has become more manageable.
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