
Monday, April 20, 2015

Deer Repellent For Your Garden

Every Spring I say I'm going to save my plants and bushes from the deer, and they always get to them first!! The deer eat all the new growth on my bushes and all the green leaves coming up for my daylilies. This year I'm trying it. I heard so many people using Irish Spring soap for a deer repellent.  I cut up bars of Irish Spring.

I then cut up nylons. You could use mesh bag or jewelry bags. 

I placed all the cut up soap into the nylons and tied them all off.

I used bread ties on the ones I wanted to hang on the bushes.

I dropped the ones for my daylilies right on the ground with the new green leaves.

It was so easy to use the bread ties to the branches. 

Sorry deer! Your just going to have to keep on moving to the next yard! PLEASE!!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Display Cabinet Is Done

I am finely done with the display cabinet for my booth. Well.... I have to pick up the glass for the doors. I'm pleased with the way it came out. I added some items to give you an idea on how its going to looking.  I now need to work on my jewelry displays for the cabinet!!

 Here is a small table I'm working on! It will be so nice to get the furniture that's all done out of my basement! 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Willows

The Willows is the new place that I will be setting up my booth.  I'm so nervous about doing this. I hoping I'm making the right decision in putting so much time and money into this new adventure. Isn't there a saying "it takes money to make money"? Sad part is I really don't have the money to be putting into crazy idea because my husband is still out of work... but if I don't get my furniture out there it won't make money :/

I would appreciate it if you could send a little prayer that things will work out for me please!! I could use all the positive vibes I can get! I truly love what I do and love to see the faces of the people when they like and buy my pieces. Just knowing something I put my love into is going to be in someone home is so satisfying. 

The pictures below are of the space underway. I wish I could show you what it looked like before. They have been so busy getting the space ready.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog! :)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Display For My Booth

My friend Cathy found the perfect display cabinet for me on Craigslist!  They were asking $100.00 and at this time with my husband out of work is way to much for me. So I asked if they would take $50.00. They said yes! So the day I was going to pick it up, I called to make sure they would be ready for me to come. They told me they decided to keep the cabinet. Sad face!!

The good news is, I didn't have to spend a dime on the cabinet that I am going to use for my display!! It's the cabinet I have most of my jewelry tools and beads in. So all of that stuff got put on a bookcase. 

This cabinet didn't have glass doors so I took off the top doors and removed the inner panels to replace them with glass. My friend Andy is going to teach me how to do it!! 

The picture below shows the before, and it all apart. The back was made out of cardboard so I had to replace the back with plywood that Cathy gave me! I painted the inside white so my jewelry will show up. The outside is going to be rose over black. My plan is to have my jewelry and small items I don't want people walking off with up top in the locked case. On the bottom will be shoes on the very bottom shelf next one up will have handbags. I'm leaving the bottom doors open and using them for display purposes. More hand bags, sun glasses and what not. This cabinet will be a girls dream spot to shop.....I hope! 

The shelves were painted white. The doors were painted black then rose. I can't wait to scuff them! That is my favorite part! Seeing how the wood grain shows through. 

The back of the cabinet I decided to paint the outside color just in case it gets moved to the middle of the room I wanted it to look finished. Plus I could always add hooks or shelves! The inside of course is white.

Now all that needs to be done is the glass put in, scuff and wax. Then it's onto making things to display my jewelry on!

Thank you so much for checking out my blog!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

New Projects of The Week

Here are my newest projects that I have been working on this week. I will be putting them in my new booth at The Willows. I'm really excited about this new adventure! I have never done a booth like this before.

The first one is a dresser that I found for sale on Craigslist over 2 years ago!! I stripped all the parts with a commercial-grade stripper.  I then sanded them and glued all loose  joints. 
My plan with this one is to stain the draws and mirror frame. The rest of it will go a blue..... I'm still not sure if I' want to go a dark or light blue.

 This is a small end table that has two sides with magazine racks. I was very lucky with this find because it was given to me. I knocked all the loose joints apart, sanded everything, and then glued it. I'm going with a white paint then going to scuff and then going to use a little brown wax to finish it. The top which is not pictured is going to be stained.

Here is a small half round table that was also given to me. This one had gray contact paper on the top. I had to gently remove it without taking the veneer off the top of the table. There were a few loose pieces of the veneer that I had glued down, then I was able to strip it.

This is a small record cabinet my husband was using and decided to give it to me!! He upgraded to a bigger cabinet. I sanded it all down,  glue the little loose joints then painted it white. I taped off the gold feet and handles.
Keep following along to see the end results. I like to post as I go and unfortunately I'm always working on more than one project. So I do tend to jump around quite often!!!