
Monday, April 20, 2015

Deer Repellent For Your Garden

Every Spring I say I'm going to save my plants and bushes from the deer, and they always get to them first!! The deer eat all the new growth on my bushes and all the green leaves coming up for my daylilies. This year I'm trying it. I heard so many people using Irish Spring soap for a deer repellent.  I cut up bars of Irish Spring.

I then cut up nylons. You could use mesh bag or jewelry bags. 

I placed all the cut up soap into the nylons and tied them all off.

I used bread ties on the ones I wanted to hang on the bushes.

I dropped the ones for my daylilies right on the ground with the new green leaves.

It was so easy to use the bread ties to the branches. 

Sorry deer! Your just going to have to keep on moving to the next yard! PLEASE!!

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