I know it's been a long time from my last post. I have been building up my stock for my booth, doing custom jewelry orders, a lot of side work and working my full time day job. The reason I'm pushing myself so hard is, my husband John and I are finally getting back on track from John being let go at his job of 20 years in December. We are blessed that he has found a new job and thing are coming together!
Getting the booth ready has been a family project. John and my son have helped with loads of furniture and setting up.
I keep rearranging things trying to get the right look. This is still all new to me. I will have to say being able to set it up my way does feel good.
I had fun making my sign. Made things a little more real!
It has now been a month from opening day and I have made more sales then I ever did at the other places I have been in! So I'm really glad I took this jump into the unknown!
I have met a lot of awesome new people and vendors. I really feel like I'm a part of something.
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